It has been fantastic assisting you touching the use of technology such as Internet to collaboratively webbing each and every KIBIAN to communicate and share ideas particularly in writing. I should be thankful for your willingness and sincerity to participate in this collaborative learning.
I am aware that this might be our last moment playing our roles as KIBIANS specifically as instructor and student of KIBI, therefore I would like you all once again formally pronouncing your comment and suggestion for future reference of this collaborative learning. However, this home sweet home will remain online awaiting for your visits at any time after your departure to your respective unit. Please come again!
I would like to hear your honest advice for future conduct of using technology to support class activity. Your valuable thoughts remain to be one of our ultimate resources to maintain and develop similar program in the very near future. It will contribute to the betterment and perfection of future collaborative learning.
To start with, I think you can think of several aspects to comment on such as the benefit and the shortage of this program, your comfort feelings, the fun, and your recommendation for future reference.
I should then be thanking you in advance for your kind participation.
Thank you and Good Luck